Whiskey Still Pro

Whiskey Still Pro
Whiskey Stills For Sale

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Choosing the Right Ingredients for Your High Quality, Cheap Whiskey Stills

After choosing to buy whiskey stills online, the whiskey enthusiast is faced with the daunting task of choosing other pieces of equipment and selecting the right ingredients for crafting spirits. What makes whiskey such a unique spirit are those ingredients used as part of the fermentation and distillation processes. In particular, fermented grain, water, and yeast make up the essential components of true whiskey. While this blend of ingredients can vary somewhat depending upon the region wherein the whiskey is produced (Scotland, for instance, has a rich, storied tradition in the production of whiskey), you’ll always see one form or other of these three main ingredients. However, finding cheap whiskey stills and selecting these ingredients must be painstakingly detailed to ensure that the appropriate flavor and robustness come to the fore. Otherwise, the unfortunate blend will yield a batch of spirits that will in no way satisfy the aims of the whiskey enthusiast.
American whiskeys (even those produced by hobbyists using cheap whiskey stills) are usually produced with rye, barley, wheat, and, most famously, corn. Usually, the American whiskey is then aged in white oak barrels where it will be kept for a predetermined number of years until it is finally imbibed by the consumer. However, some distillers have also taken to utilizing other ingredients like millets, oats, rice, and just about every other grain you can imagine. Regardless of the grains chosen, the total amount of grains and/or variation in grains used within the mixture is known as the grain bill.
Even with so many grains to choose from, there exist variations within the actual grains utilized in the grain bill; for instance, they can be flaked, crushed, or even finely ground into meal before being included within the mixture. Flaked grains are the preferred grain of choice for many distillers who buy whiskey stills online due to their flexibility in terms of utilization. They are unmalted grains which have been crushed, moistened, cooked, and finally flaked between rollers. While most distillers utilize flaked grains to complement their whole grain recipes, hobbyists can avoid a great deal of the work involved in crushing grains by choosing instead to work only with flaked grains. Doing so will save some time, money, and efforts. Though these grains still need to be mashed, the processing used for flaked grains isn’t nearly as tedious and painstaking as that which is found with preparing and crushing whole grains.
However, one thing that should be avoided when choosing grains is utilizing any which contain seeds. Instead, the grains selected should be dried, food grade grains. Those which were intended to be used later on for seeding purposes often contain pesticides and fertilizers which make them potentially harmful to ingest. Indeed, even after the distillation process in your high-quality, cheap whiskey stills, the pesticides and fertilizers are likely still present within the final product. Fortunately, pesticide free grains can easily be found at health food shops, homebrew stores, and wholesale food distributors.
Ultimately, the selection of grains can have a major impact upon the final yield in your high-quality, cheap whiskey stills. So, before making a decision on which grains to purchase, it is always important for the home distiller to learn as much as possible about the grains. Do your diligence and by carefully planning out what the drink should eventually become at the conclusion of the process. Then, once the grains are collected, the next steps can finally be put into action: the malting and mashing phases. These steps are critical and must be done carefully before the ultimate distillation process within your cheap whiskey stills. Suffice it to say that, while doing research before having to buy whiskey stills online can be tedious and long, there is no mistaking the kind of work which needs to be done to select and prepare your ingredients before finally putting your cheap whiskey stills to use.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Evaluating Materials for Learning How to Make a Whiskey Still

Tips for attempting to construct a whiskey still at home concern a great deal of varying areas, and include a number of practical and scientific topics. This type of project is certainly interesting as it has garnered an increasing level of interest among whiskey hobbyists. Learning more about this potentially arduous task is not a bad idea, especially for those who have no previous experience with the process of still construction. Even whiskey hobbyists without any particular interest in constructing stills themselves should at least acquaint themselves with the knowledge of how these apparatuses are constructed as it will provide additional insight into how to craft spirits. Before proceeding, anyone in the hopes of constructing their own still or at least learning about the process should carefully examine a few safety guidelines. 
For making whiskey still, the material of choice has always been metal. However, selecting parts which composed of stainless steel or copper is another matter entirely. Much has been made of ingenious types of construction projects involving a whiskey still being pieced together using objects found around a garage or tool shed, like an old radiator, for example. The reasoning behind such decisions often goes something like this: “hey, this object is made out of metal (it kind of looks like steel) and has the right tubing needed for the job…I could definitely use this as part of my still, right?” While the prospect of making such a useful tool out of an old, useless car part is very interesting and quite creative, it isn’t recommended for a variety of safety guidelines. For making whiskey still goes beyond creativity and a passion for eco-friendly options; the science of the still’s materials must be carefully examined.
Creating a still from a useless object is certainly eco-friendly and very much “green;” however, it doesn’t have anything more going in its favor. In particular, constructing a whiskey still out of old junk isn’t conducive to a tasty brew or a healthy body; indeed, it is dangerous to pursue such a DIY project without first carefully examining the inner workings of the part itself, as well as the part’s history during both its active usage and during its storage as a piece of scrap. Aside from the obvious cleanliness issues (roaches, pests, mold, etc.) which arise from the storage of a random apparatus like a car radiator inside a garage, attic, or outdoor tool shed, there are other dangerous factors to consider. The DIY’er of a whiskey still who has used these types of parts may have learned how to make a whiskey still (tips for this type of project are readily available on the Internet), but he/she likely overlooked the science behind the materials themselves.
The most pressing concern comes from this fact: you have no specific knowledge of what was contained within the object during its usable life. If we stick with our car radiator example, we can already pinpoint several hazards. The most prominent of these is the utilization of antifreeze or other chemicals during the part’s lifetime in a working automobile; the presence of anti-freeze, with its host of toxic compounds, should render this part off-limits. Despite however much you try to cleanse the radiator, the chemicals from the anti-freeze (or any other chemicals used during the life of the radiator), have embedded themselves into the metal. Once this happens, they are not easily separated; instead, those who use this type of object as part of their still will quickly discover that the chemicals left behind inside the radiator easily blend into the liquor which has been distilled inside this apparatus. If someone is putting together a list for how to make a whiskey still, tips should prominently feature safety concerns.
Suffice it to say that when thinking about how to make a whiskey still, tips to consider should include not using old household or automotive objects; these used parts must be considered off limits as a component for a whiskey still. Attempting to use such components is far too dangerous; regardless of however much you believe that any particular piece has been cleansed of any dangerous compounds (just because you can’t see them with the naked eye doesn’t mean they’re not there). Instead, anyone wishing to pursue this DIY hobby should carefully think about whether or not this project is really worthwhile, especially given that there are so many companies which produce fully constructed whiskey stills of several varieties and sizes (and which adhere to reliable safety guidelines for making whiskey still). These stills are usually made out of brand new copper or stainless steel, and are thus safe from potentially hazardous reactions with alcohol. Additionally, they are not put together with solder that will contribute any noxious compounds to the distilled spirits. 

However, if the DIY spirit within the whiskey hobbyist is too strong to overcome, then there are always companies which sell individual copper parts that can be assembled using the right equipment. However, for safety and reliability’s sake, many enthusiasts simply gravitate toward the distillation process itself and leave the construction of the still to professional craftsmen who specialize in forging excellent copper stills while abiding by specific safety guidelines for making whiskey still. You can’t go wrong with choosing such a still, especially when so much time and effort will be spent on learning how to better distill fine liquors.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Purchase Your Whiskey Still Kit at Affordable Prices

The whiskey selection at most liquor stores may, after some time and continued sampling, prove to be inadequate while attempting to satiate your thirst for new varieties of this fine spirit.  There’s not much you can do to develop this taste for flavors after acquiring a kit for whiskey still and only drinking your own product.  As you become more acquainted with different flavors and further develop your fine liquor palate while sampling spirits from a variety of single malt distilleries, you may grow weary at the same old selection on the shelves of your local emporium.  While a great number of blended whiskey options are available at most liquor stores across America, there seems to be a limited number of single malt options and, sadly, this hinders our quest to further cultivate our taste for this fine product. Indeed, at your ordinary, run of the mill liquor store, you may see only a dozen or so different varieties of Scotch single malt whiskey.  Though you may be unable to create a fine single malt Scotch after finding a good whiskey still kit for sale, there is no reason to give up hope in developing your liquor palate.  Continue doing your research and sampling a variety of single malt Scotch brands from a variety of distilleries.

However, in order to truly grasp the varieties which are available to the whiskey connoisseur, you should learn a little more about the nature (literally) of the region in which the spirit was actually produced.  Even if the kit for whiskey still which you purchased was made in Scotland, producing spirits from your own mini still won’t be a substitute for learning about the history and culture out of which single malt Scotch originated.  A rich history has developed regarding the varying styles unique to each region.  Though the role of these regions has upon distinctive tastes has certainly become gradually marginalized over the years, the whiskey enthusiast’s knowledge of the traditional styles corresponding to each region remains an important guidepost.  This is a crucial factor regarding why purchasing your own whiskey still kit for sale isn’t enough to build your capacity as a distiller; you need to gain more and more insight about the product produced over the years to gain a firmer grasp upon the product you’re attempting to cultivate.  Indeed, information about regional Scotch whiskies provides great clarity as we learn more and more about the distilleries from which each single malt liquor has been produced. 

This is a particularly important piece of knowledge for anyone looking to become more acquainted with the various flavors and styles which each distillery has to offer (particularly if you can acquire a kit for whiskey still from one of these regions).  It is because of this accumulation of knowledge that the whiskey enthusiast can more carefully scrutinize the beverage which he/she is purchasing, and thus learn more about the tastes and styles which will be more pleasing in the future. While there was a time when the incorporation of local barley or the unique climate of a particular region produced a decidedly distinct effect upon a whiskey, the regions out of which any single malt Scotch originates will nonetheless prove to be a factor in the final production process.  It thus behooves anyone who has just purchased a whiskey still kit for sale to learn everything he can about the products which may ultimately be produced from each region in Scotland, and from each distillery contained therein.

In essence, there are 5 primary whisky regions which you should be aware of: Speyside, Highlands, Lowlands, Islay and Campbeltown. Furthermore, each of these whiskey regions can be broken down further into sub-regions.  Indeed, while looking for a whiskey still kit for sale, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check labels and ask questions about where certain parts, ingredients, and other components of your kit have come from.  For instance, the Lowlands region consists of four areas; Central, East, West and Borders.  Oddly enough, this knowledge about the Lowlands isn’t particularly helpful because there are only three remaining malt whiskey distilleries still actively producing spirits in this region.  Another famous tradition passed down through word of mouth has been that the Isle of Islay produces the only peated whiskey anywhere, when in fact this type of whiskey is produced regularly throughout Scotland and even in Ireland.  A hobbyist must thus perform his research with the mindset of a critical investigator; in essence, he/she must not be blinded by individual source bias, but must instead critical analyze a variety of information sources and scrutinize all information carefully, especially as it pertains to research being done for a kit for whiskey still which originates from one of these regions.

Suffice it to say, a person’s knowledge regarding Scotch whisky regions isn’t only the stuff of useless folklore and history.  Instead, this information gives the whiskey connoisseur an interesting insight into the strange and unique world of whiskey, and will prove helpful as you ponder your decision regarding the purchase of a kit for whiskey still.  Thus, a whiskey enthusiast will be well served in learning about the history and traditions of a region.  Such knowledge will pay dividends not only when searching for a whiskey still kit for sale, but also as the hobbyist attempts to understand the production processes unique to each region and, furthermore, unique to each individual distillery in Scotland. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

How to Find High-Quality Cheap Whiskey Stills

Shopping online for top whiskey stills is frustrating - how do you know if the cheap whiskey stills you’re looking at are high quality? There are a few expert tips and tricks you can use to shop online for high quality whiskey stills, at great prices.

Tips and Tricks for Whiskey Still Shopping

1. Know What You’re Looking For

Different whiskey and moonshine still designs are better for making different products. You might consider a whiskey still with a column, or even a flip top column, if you want to produce different types of alcohol. You might need a premium design for the highest quality essential oils. If you’re looking to produce great things, you want to know what whiskey still design will be best for you.

You can get away with using a cheap whiskey still, if you aren’t concerned about the purity or quality of your final product, or if you have the time to distill multiple times. Otherwise, know that investing in a superior quality whiskey still will pay off.

2. Always Choose Copper

Copper has natural purifying properties and a beautiful look. It’s easy to maintain and clean. But mostly, it makes your distilled alcohol, water, or essential oils superior quality. Whiskey stills come in other materials, with copper mesh or copper parts, but for the highest-quality, choose an all-copper moonshine or whiskey still.

Even if - for some reason - you choose a non-copper whiskey still, always check to make sure it is 100% lead-free soldering

3. Safety First

Look for whiskey still designs that include built-in thermometers, emptying valves, rubber gripping, extra-thick bottom layers, and other safety features. Whiskey stills are serious tools, and distillers work with seriously high temperatures. You never want to sacrifice safety to save a few dollars.

4. Company Policies are Important

The best online whiskey still shops offer free or reduced shipping and a fair return policy, including a potential money-back guarantee. There are many factors to consider when purchasing a small or large whiskey still, and customer reviews can provide a lot of valuable information about how a company does business.

Shopping online for affordable but superior quality whiskey stills can be challenging, but keeping a few good shopping guidelines in mind will help you avoid the costly mistake of purchasing cheap whiskey stills that don’t live up to your expectations. Take the time during shopping, and save yourself the money with a satisfying purchase.

Friday, 19 June 2015

What you will find in our whiskey still kit

Moonshine and whiskey stills for sale come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on how much you’re planning to make and what your recipe is, you might need several sizes. But what if you have to move a large, heavy, copper whiskey still from one place to another? A one-piece still may not be the best option for you. A well-stocked whiskey still kit will make it easy for your to have a fully functioning and beautiful still, but enjoy the convenience to move it easily from one place to another.

Parts of a whiskey still 

It doesn’t matter if you get a pot still or a column still - most stills have the same basic parts, although there are a few differences. Both pot stills and column stills have:
  • A boiler pot: This is the largest part of the still and requires the most attention with cleaning and inspection. This is the part you place on your heat source, and then you your mash materials in the pot to be boiled.
  • An “onion-head” top: This part of the still gets its colourful name from its shape. Many have built-in thermometers to help you monitor the temperature of your boiling whiskey mash.
  • A condenser coil: This is the most difficult to clean, and requires careful inspection before every run. This is the part you must keep cool during a run, in order to turn your vaporized alcohol back into drinkable alcohol.  
All basic designs of whiskey stills for sale include these three parts, but a column whiskey still kit (no matter whether they’re flip top or fixed column stills) will also include a column piece that attaches to the top of the boiler pot and to the bottom of the onion-head top. A column allows a distiller to produce different things, like essential oils, because of its steam distillation technique. Versatility is key, and every distiller knows that you can make more out of your whiskey still when you understand how all the parts of it work together.

Article by:
Jim Thomas

Monday, 8 June 2015

Online 10 gallon copper still for sale

10 gallon copper still for sale

For a vinegar run, mix water and vinegar equally to fill the still to about 20% capacity – so, 1 gallon of vinegar and 1 gallon of water for a 10 Gallon Copper Still. Heat the still without cooling the condenser until steam, vinegar, and water come out of the condenser. Turn off the heat and allow the copper still to cool.

Friday, 5 June 2015

How to Seal a Copper Still with Flour Paste

 Whiskey Stills For Sale

Once you have purchased the right copper whiskey still, you have made your mash, and you are ready for your alcohol run, there are a few final preparations to make your whiskey or moonshine run a smashing success.

Your copper moonshine still detaches from the pot at the onion bulb, for easy cleaning, transport, and filling. However, you do not want alcohol vapor to escape from the space between these parts. Alcohol vapor is highly flammable - which is why you should always distill in a well-ventilated area - and alcohol vapor that escapes is vapor that is not turned into moonshine.

So, Before you begin distilling your own moonshine at home, make sure that you seal the space between the onion head of the still and the body of the still with a simple flour paste that you can make yourself.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Copper Moonshine and Whiskey Still For Sale

 Still For Sale

whiskey still for sale are available online. Stills are particularly designed with hand manufacturing techniques with Pure Copper that consist antibacterial properties and eliminate the sulfur in the form of copper sulfate. The Still parts are easy to assemble for the distillation process. You can experiment the various kind of beverages like whiskey, rum, scotch and many more in this still.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Whiskey Stills For Sale

 Whiskey Still

Are you looking for Whiskey Stills Online? Whiskey Still Pro Shop has been dealing with a wide range of Whiskey still with volume ranging from 1 to 10 Gallon. All Stills are hand crafted, made up from 100% pure copper. All parts can be installed easily, provides comfortable handling and usage. Book your order online. Within 2-3 days processing time, the order will be dispatched to your place.

For More, Call At 1-800-522-4870

Online 5 Gallon Moonshine Still for sale

 5 Gallon Moonshine Still for Sale
For the passionate people, who love to enjoy the various kinds of beverage flavors, 5 Gallon Moonshine Still will be the best choice. One can easily distill bulk volume of mixture to produce enough Moonshine to meet the requirement for parties and celebrations. It is manufactured with the use of pure copper material that provides antibacterial properties and mask the foul taste in the drinks.

Sunday, 31 May 2015

The Origin Of Whiskey Stills

Whiskey Stills come in different capacities and sizes. One can select any of the still volume as per their need. Whiskey Stills are preferably used for preparing and experimenting various flavors with different mashes. For the people, who love to have sensational savors with the beverages, will surely enjoy the drinks prepared by their own.

 Whiskey Stills For Sale

There are different types of stills with different volume proportions: Like 1, 2.5, 5, 8, 10 Gallon Stills. There are different kind of shapes designed by Hand manufacturing techniques, usually consisting four parts: Bottom Pot, Pipe line with head, thermometer holder and Condenser.

There are various kinds of manufacturing material like Stainless Steel, Copper etc. But Copper stills are the forever choice of people. There are many beneficial effects of stills made up of Copper like Antibacterial Properties, easy to clean and maintain, mask the foul taste, remove the sulfur in the form of copper sulfate and non-reactive with the distilled liquid.

For indoor use, one can use hot plate or electric stove as the heat source and for the outdoors, propane burner will be the apt choice. 

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Buy 2.5 Gallon Whiskey Still online

Whiskey Stills are quite popular in the distillation process and preparing tasty beverages like Whiskey, Scotch, Rum, Vodka, Bourbon, Tequila, Moonshine, Schnapps, cognac and many more. For the enthusiastic people, who want to invent something new with the taste, they can experiment different mashes in 2.5 Gallon whiskey Still, quite enough to produce party time drinks.

 2.5 Gallon whiskey Still

Whiskey Still Pro Shop has been providing the best quality of stills that are specifically manufactured with the unique handcraftsmanship techniques. It is something like preserving the traditional culture in your home kitchen as in the ancient time, people used handcrafted stills to prepare and distill the spirit drinks.

Volume: 2.5 Gallon
Height: 21.6 Inches approx.
Diameter of the Bottom Pot: 9 Inches
Weight of Apparatus: 9.9 lbs
Thickness of Copper Gauge: 1mm on the Bottom Surface for sustaining the heat.

We allow free shipping with our products. With our stills, you have a 100 % satisfaction guarantee. Within 90 days after the purchase of the product, if you will find inadequate functioning, cracking or defects, then we will replace your product with the new one, or if you want to rebate your money, then we will surely operate for the same.

Buy Online 1 Gallon whiskey Still For Sale

From the ancient time, Stills have become quite popular for the preparation of different kind of beverages with distinct flavors.

To enjoy the real taste of whiskey drinks, you can also experiment with various ingredients in the still. If you want to start with the small volume of apparatus, then 1 gallon whiskey still will be the best for you.

Buy Online 1 Gallon whiskey Still for Sale

The Stills are particularly made up of copper material and manufactured with the handcrafting techniques. With the purchase of copper still, you will have a long lifetime product. It is well equipped for lead-free soldering. For cleaning the still parts from outside and inside, you can use white vinegar.

Whiskey Still Pro Shop has been dealing with the best quality handcrafted  Stills. If you are not getting satisfaction with the use of Stills, then we will refund your money within 90 days. Every still apparatus comes with a guarantee period of 2 years.  

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

1 gallon moonshine still for sale

                                                   1-Gallon Whiskey Still "Georgia"

For the people, who just love to enjoy the exotic flavor of moonshine, they must be thinking to have their own moonshine still. For the beginners, 1 gallon moonshine still is the best choice product.
The whiskey still pro shop offers you amazing price deals for the moonshine still for sale. We preserve the ancient art and manufacturing techniques in our still equipment. All of products are handcrafted and specifically designed with the onion shape. Along with the exotic flavor moonshine, you can employ its use for essential oil extraction.

The still is having four parts:

Bottom Pot: It is made up of copper material and provided with the two brass made side handles for easy carrying. It has 1-gallon capacity.

Head with Pipe Tube: For joining the two vessels in the condensation process, there is pipe tube attached to head through which the condensed vapors get collected in the second vessel.

Thermometer: To control the temperature of apparatus, there is a thermometer that calculates the temperature reading in two units: Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Condenser: It is having a revolving coil in which vapors get condensed to form a liquid and outlet from which the spirit can be collected. There are nozzles on the upper and lower end to avoid the evaporation of vapors during the process.

With 2 years guarantee period, if there may occur any malfunctioning issue during the process, then you can easily get your product replaced with the new one.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Moonshine Stills for Sale and the Law

You may see the occasional story in the news where someone is getting busted for their moonshine stills and their moonshine production. Sometimes the news even features a shop of fine whiskey stills for sale, getting busted for running afoul of the law. Copper stills that are often to make homemade alcohols - like whiskey and moonshine - can sometimes get a bad reputation because of their runs-ins with authorities. But it’s not the stills fault.

US history includes a long period of people making moonshine and other alcohol at home. In the early 20th century, the 18th Amendment to the Constitution established alcohol as illegal, and after that making and selling moonshine became a federal crime. Suddenly, it became more dangerous to provide or build moonshine or whiskey stills.

After Prohibition ended, the Federal laws changed to accommodate legal uses for owning moonshine stills. Now, US Federal laws state that it is legal for a citizen to own a still, regardless of its size, as long as it is being used for legal purposes. It is perfectly legal to buy and sell copper stills to be used at home for decoration, or for distilling water or botanical oils. It is a common misconception that it is illegal to own anything larger than a 1 gallon moonshine still. That is just an urban myth.

People who choose to purchase a moonshine still for sale for any legal purpose do not need to acquire a permit. It is only if you are planning to use your whiskey still to produce alcohol that you should complete the appropriate applications for legal permitting.

There are two types of permits: 
The application process may take some time, so make sure to plan for a delay before you can produce, sell, and distribute your spirits. Although the Federal Fuel Alcohol Permit is free, there are some additional safety requirements that must be met before approval. The Federal Distilled Spirits Permit application process includes a fee, as well as an inspection as part of the approval process.

In addition to federal laws, you want to consider any state or local ordinances for owning a whiskey still for sale of any alcohol that you produce, and for maintaining your production up to industry standards. What starts as a simple hobby can quickly become a full-scale, and exciting, business.

As a knowledgeable owner of one of the finest moonshine stills or whiskey stills for sale in today’s market, you can make sure that you purchase the right still and enjoy it legally.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

The “Tennessee”: Best 10 Gallon Moonshine Still For Sale

When you’re shopping for a moonshine still, you may not be sure what size you need, or what each size is used for. You may have questions about how the copper still will look or fit in your home. The “Virginia” (our 5 gallon moonshine still) and the “Kentucky” (our premium 8 gallon moonshine still) are still somewhat moveable if you set them in a location and decide later that you want them somewhere else. But, you may want to put more consideration into where you set a larger still. The “Tennessee,” our highest-quality copper 10-gallon copper moonshine still, may be a little more difficult to relocate.

                                                  Copper Moonshine Stills for Sale

Full Details of the Tennessee

Pot stills are measured in various gallon quantities, based on the size of their pots. The standard 10 gallon size is common, but not all 10 gallon copper stills for sale are created equal.

Measuring approximately 12.5 inches in diameter at the base, the Tennessee gets wider in the body of the pot, and requires about 4 square feet of space to set up the still’s pot body for operation. Additionally, you want to consider another 6 square feet (an area 3 ft x 2 ft) or so to set up all the parts of your whiskey still.  For decoration, the condenser coil of a still this size could be concealed, but if the still will be used, you want to make sure that there will be plenty of space and proper ventilation.

Because the Tennessee 10 gallon moonshine still weighs just over 23 pounds and is a rounded shape, it may be difficult for some people to move without assistance. If you want to avoid having to move the still, make sure to measure accordingly and prepare the space before you set up your Tennessee copper whiskey still.

The Tennessee model is made with high-gauge copper, and is completely lead-free. The bottom of the pot is thicker than the rest of the body, to ensure that the heat is distributed evenly through the copper, rather than transferring too quickly into your mash. The thickness of the copper has been precisely calculated to ensure that as heat moves up in the still, the mash will be heated in the best, most efficient way.

One of the most convenient, and ultimately one of the best, features of the Tennessee is the thermometer that is built into the onion head. Not only does it give you quick, easy, and accurate access to the temperature at all times during the distilling process, but it displays temperature in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.

What About a Guarantee?

All the best copper moonshine stills for sale come with a money-back guarantee that protects you against manufacturer error or damage, or problems you encounter with your whiskey still after you get it set up. It happens that someone might order a 10 gallon moonshine still for sale, and discover once it arrives that the 5 gallon moonshine still would have been a better choice. The best whiskey still stores understand that. Nothing beats the satisfaction of a money-back guarantee.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Buy 1 gallon moonshine still From Whiskeystillpro Store

Are you looking for best Quality Moonshine Stills? We, Whiskey Still Pro Shop, are one of the leading brand for Manufacturing the superior quality Stills. You can prepare different Moonshine flavors of your own choice.

                             1-Gallon Whiskey Still "Georgia"


For the First time users, they need to start with the small capacity equipment
Like 1 gallon moonshine still will be the best Still Choice.

Construction: The whole apparatus is manufactured and designed with the Expertise skills of Manufacturer Team. There is a Large pot made up of Copper in the bottom end which is connected to the swan neck shaped Top and with the pipe that holds a thermometer to control the temperature in the still..still.
You can read the temperature in two units- Fahrenheit and Celsius.

 Manufacturing Material: 100% Pure Copper
Weight of Apparatus: 6.6 lbs
Height of still: Approx. 17.7 Inches (From top to bottom)still: Approx. 17.7 Inches (From top to bottom)still: Approx. 17.7 Inches (From top to bottom))still: Approx. 17.7 Inches (From top to bottom)
Thickness of Material: 1 mm approx. In the upper vessel and more than 1 mm in the bottom end.
Capacity of Apparatus: 1 Gallon

We allow affordable price deals on the purchase of Moonshine stills. All of our company apparatus is available with 2 years guarantee period. Enjoy the Package delivery services with no extra cost of shipping.

 Distill the liquids by heating at certain boiling point and then condense the vapors by cooling. 

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

What can I use a Whiskey Still for?

While many people know that you can use a whiskey still to make moonshine, whiskey, vodka, and other spirits at home, the finest copper still for sale can be used to make non-alcoholic products as well. If you are looking to produce your own quality distilled water or fine essential oils at home, consider a whiskey still.

 Whiskey Stills For Sale

Always Choose Copper Moonshine Stills

For sale and distribution of a distilled product, nothing beats using a copper still. Copper has invaluable properties that cause it to be one of the highest trusted materials in cooking and kitchenware. First of all, it is easy to clean and heats thoroughly and evenly, making it easy for any novice or expert to work with. On top of that, copper has antimicrobial properties. It purifies your distillate - your final product - and removes tiny impurities. It is antimicrobial and anti fungal, meaning that only copper produces the best.

Whiskey Stills Aren’t Just for Alcohol

Copper stills have become commonly associated with moonshine, whiskey, and other spirits since distilleries began producing alcohol commercially. But, the finest still for sale can be used to distill more than just whiskey.

For hundreds of years, people have used copper stills to refine water. Distilling water removes toxins, microorganisms, and other harmful impurities. Distilled water is commonly used in chemistry laboratory experiments, because scientists can better control the number of variables by using purified water. Additionally, distilling water is one of the most secure ways to know that the water is absolutely safe. Distilled water, moonshine stills, and other distilling equipment is often transported to areas of the world where access to purified water is limited.

In addition, the essential oils of many plants and botanicals can be distilled using a steam distillation process, and people around the world have been doing this for thousands of years as well. Although there are several designs of moonshine stills for sale that can be used to make essential oils, you may want to specifically look at those whiskey stills that have flip-top columns, which allows for the steam distillation process as well as easy cleaning and maintenance.

Shopping for Quality Whiskey Stills for Sale

When shopping online, it can be difficult to determine which whiskey still will meet your needs. Consider a few things: do you need to use your still to distill something alcoholic? How much will you use your copper still? Where will you keep it?

If you’re not sure about producing alcohol in your own home, consider that a copper still for sale can be a great investment toward other interests in your life. Producing distilled water can provide your family or your community with something pure you know you can be proud of. Making your own essential oils can open new ecological and economic opportunities for yourself or people that you know.

No matter what you choose to use your whiskey still for, use and enjoy it responsibly.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Comparing sizes of Moonshine Stills

When you’re shopping for the best moonshine still for sale, you will notice that there are several different sizes available. Take into consideration your needs and uses for the still you plan to purchase, to make sure that you select the right copper still for sale that suits your lifestyle.

 Copper Moonshine Stills For Sale

You should know that owning a moonshine still of any size is legal, according to US Federal law. However, using a moonshine still for sale and distribution of alcohol that you produce at home requires federal permits.

What can I use a small still for?

The smallest still is typically a 1 gallon moonshine still. Although it can be used to produce alcohols like vodka, whiskey, and moonshine, a small still can also work very well to produce different types of essential oils.

Many essential oils are created from botanicals and plants, and the recipes for them can call for pounds of plant material that distill down to only a few ounces (or less) of the essential oil. If you use essential oils frequently, but want to keep a manageable still in your home for their production, a 2.5 gallon moonshine still is also a good choice. It will be slightly less portable than a 1 gallon still, but will produce more of the essential oil you want.

Many people also use the smallest sizes of whiskey stills to produce excellent distilled water at home, in the proportions they need for their personal use.

What can I use larger size stills for?

Although medium-sized moonshine stills for sale can also be used to distill water or essential oils, many people do use 5 gallon copper stills or 8 gallon whiskey stills to produce alcohol.

In today’s world, alternative fuel types include ethanol-alcohol, which can be used to power a variety of combustion engines. If you are interested in producing ethanol for use as fuel, you may want to consider a large 10 gallon moonshine still for sale.

The yield of any size whiskey still can vary for each run, and can be anywhere between 25% and 60% of the stills size. So, to make sure you’re producing enough ethanol fuel or alcohol spirits to meet the demand in your life, you may want to do a few calculations about how much distillate you need, the schedule that you’ll need it, and how many runs it might take to produce that amount. A few minutes of math can help you decide which size copper still for sale is the right one.

Getting the right size moonshine still

No matter whether you choose a compact 1 gallon moonshine still or a mighty 10 gallon moonshine still that dominates the space, you will always want to choose a copper whiskey still. Experts agree that copper is the best material for making stills, because it helps you produce the finest products.

Enjoy the copper moonshine still for sale of your choice responsibly.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Whiskey Stills Come in all Sizes

 Whiskey Stills For Sale

The best whiskey still manufacturers offer products in many sizes. Whether you’re distilling water, essential oils, bourbon, or moonshine, you may need different sized stills to produce different quantities. Many distillers who find a high-quality copper whiskey still that they like should consider buying the same design in multiple sizes. When purchasing a high-quality copper whiskey still, consider your needs as a distiller, and choose a copper still that will allow you to make the amounts of the products you want, when you want them. 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Choosing A Whiskey Still

Whiskey Stills For Sale

When you are looking for the best whiskey still, you are looking for a still that produces a high-quality product for years to come. Considering several factors when shopping for a moonshine still ensures that you  can produce the best-distilled water, essential oils, moonshine, and whiskey products you can enjoy with friends and family. Among the factors that distinguish the best whiskey stills on the market are the materials they’re made of, the capacity they produce, and the reviews they receive from people who have used them.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

How to Distill Whiskey and Moonshine

Distilling is an ancient technique that people use around the world to turn different plants into delicious drinks. Distilling alcohol (or “spirits”) is a favorite pastime of many, now heavily regulated in the US and other countries. But learning how to distill alcohol like whiskey, moonshine, rum, or vodka is an interesting topic to know about, even if you don’t plan to distill alcohol at home.

Still For Sale

In the US, there is nothing illegal about purchasing a fine copper still for sale – you can own a still for decoration and legal distilling. Take a look at the federal laws about getting a permit for distilling alcohol at home, before you choose whether to use your beautiful copper still for sale of whiskey or moonshine, or for just decoration.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Moonshine Stills and the Law

The art and science of distilling moonshine has a long history in the United States and around the world. Distilling alcohol, like whiskey or moonshine, has at times been illegal or severely regulated. For people in the US, many questions remain about buying moonshine stills for sale because of the confusion about the law. With some important information, people can make the decision about whether owning and using a moonshine still is right for them.

 Moonshine Stills

Is it legal to buy and own a moonshine still ?

Yes. US Federal law states that it is legal to own a still for decorative or collector purposes. Although many people believe it is illegal to own anything larger than a 1 gallon still, federal law allows for citizens to own whiskey stills of any size.

But: You should check your state and local laws as well. Many places do not allow their citizens to own a moonshine still, or allow people to own them with the right permits.

What are the laws about using my moonshine still?

You can use your still to produce distilled water or essential oils without seeking a permit or reporting to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).

However, people buying moonshine or whiskey stills do need to apply for the appropriate permit, if they plan to use their still to produce alcohol, which is also referred to as “spirits.”

If someone wants to purchase a quality moonshine still for sale to produce fuel alcohol for their personal use, the person will need to apply for a free Federal Fuel Alcohol Permit.

If someone wants to own a still to produce beer or wine, he or she will need to follow the appropriate regulations for those alcohols. However, a home spirits distiller must acquire the appropriate licensing and approval, as well as put in place the correct tax payments.

The full laws about owning a moonshine stills to produce, distribute, and sell alcohol can be found at 26 United States Code (U.S.C.) 5042(a)(2) and 5053(e) and 5601.

What about selling my moonshine?

The most complicated process will come if you decide to sell the spirits that you produce. In addition to providing a specific building to keep your still and your moonshine in, you will also need to provide a bond and comply with federal distilling distribution requirements and taxes. In addition to the federal regulations that a moonshine distillery must meet, each state and even some local areas, will require additional licensing.

Find more details at the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 19.

Even if you decide not to use your moonshine still to produce anything, it is still a beautiful decoration to your home. Consider only the best moonshine stills for sale when choosing a still for any purpose. 

What’s the Best Copper Still Design to Make Whiskey ?

Although you can distill whiskey out of any type of copper still, some designs of whiskey stills for sale are superior for making the best whiskey. When you purchase a copper still knowing that you’re going to specifically use it to make whiskey, you may not need to be as concerned about the size of the whiskey still, but you may want to pay a great deal of attention to the design.

The Onion-head Pot Still

The pot still is probably the most basic design of copper stills for sale, used around the world for ages to distill water, alcohol, essential oils, and more. The pot still is comprised of a boiler pot, an onion-head shaped short column, and a condenser coil. Materials are distilled by putting a mash in the boiler pot, heating it, and collecting the condensed steam that collects from the condenser coil.

In general, the rule is that the less distance between the mash and the condenser coil, the more that heavier chemical compounds will make their way into the coil and the final product. These heavier compounds can be different types of alcohol or other micro-compositions that affect the final flavor and strength of your moonshine, wine, whiskey, or other spirit.

If you want a full-bodied, flavorful whiskey, a pot-shaped whiskey still for sale will help you achieve it.

Whiskey Stills For Sale

The Conical Column Still

There are some pot stills that use a cone-shaped column to transition from the pot to the condenser coil, rather than an onion-shaped piece. These stills will generally be taller, even when the pot size is comparable, because of the column’s dimensions.

The conical column allows for a refining distillation process called “reflux,” meaning that steam collects at the top of the cone, condenses, and drips back into the pot to be boiled again. This additional evaporation process helps purify the final distillate better than a still without a conical cone, so fine whiskeys may not need additional distillations before reaching the desired purity. The taller the cone, the more reflux can occur.

If you want a lighter flavor to your whiskey, you want whiskey stills for sale with tall conical columns.

The Cylindrical Column Still

A cylinder-shaped column still is an ancient design in which a tall, round column is attached to the top of the still’s pot, separating the pot from the onion head and condenser coil.

While cylindrical column stills are often used to distill water, essential oils, and other spirits beside moonshine or whiskey (such as gin), they can be used if you want a highly refined whiskey, or if you want to infuse a moonshine with the essence of a certain botanical. You may consider a column still if you want to distill vodka or other alcohols, as the greater temperature variation in a cylindrical column still can help with the flavors of these spirits.

However, for a fuller, more robustly flavored whiskey, a column still may filter out too many of the chemical traces that provide the variety that whiskey lovers love.

No matter what type of whiskey flavor you enjoy, enjoy your homemade whiskey responsibly. 

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Comparing Types of Copper Moonshine Stills for Sale

When you’re shopping through the many types of copper moonshine or whiskey stills for sale you may have some basic questions before buying a still. This beginner’s guide is here to help you decide what type and size of moonshine still is right for you.

Why Copper ?

First of all, although stills can be made of other material, copper is hands-down the best material used in the finest moonshine and whiskey stills for sale on the market today. Copper’s natural chemistry means that it helps filter toxins, impurities, sulfur, and bacteria out of the steam of the liquid you’re distilling, so your moonshine will be smoother, your essential oils purer, your distilled water cleaner. Whatever you’re distilling, copper is always the best material to make sure that you end up with the highest-quality product.

Copper has the added benefit of being a highly durable material. It is known for even heat distribution, and it is easier to control the temperature in copper moonshine stills. Copper is also easy to clean (just use a healthy dose of white vinegar, hot water, and a flour paste if necessary). Always make sure that the copper still for sale you choose uses 100% lead-free solder. You only want a copper still that is absolutely free of lead.

 Copper Moonshine Stills For Sale

Pot Still or Column Still ?

Moonshine stills come in two main designs, with some variations. A pot still is a traditional design used for distilling some spirits (such as whiskey and moonshine) and water, although small pot stills might be used to distill some essential oils. Generally, a pot still is made up of four main parts: the pot, the onion head, the condenser coil, and the collection cup. If you can find a pot still with a thermometer built into the onion head, that will give you a great advantage. Always use a collection cup that is metal or glass, never use a plastic collection cup.

A column still is a traditional design used for distilling some spirits (such as vodka) and essential spirits. Because of this design, the column allows steam to cause plant materials to release their essential oils more efficiently than in a pot still, which does not allow for steam distillation. Generally, a column still is made up of five main parts: the pot, the column, the onion head, the condenser coil, and the collection cup.

Some still designs, such as a flip top still, allow a distiller to use the still as either a pot still or a column still. These designs have more working parts and may require more maintenance, but they also provide more versatility for which products you can distill.

What size ?

Depending on what you plan to distill, and how much you will produce, there are many options of the best copper moonshine stills for sale. If you are distilling an essential oil, you will need a large amount of plant material to produce a small amount of oil, so at least a 2.5 gallon copper still is recommended. For water, moonshine, or other spirits, you will produce more product for the amount of raw materials. However, most distillers find that a 5 gallon whiskey still is a good starting size to produce a desirable amount of moonshine.

No matter what you are planning to use your whiskey still to produce, make sure that you choose copper. Then, consider what design and what size you want so you can enjoy your new copper whiskey still.